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Kybella Injection

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable treatment using deoxycholic acid. In 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Kybella as a safe and minimally invasive alternative to cosmetic surgery for the fat below the chin, such as liposuction.

The deoxycholic acid used is a man-made version of a substance that your body already makes that helps absorb fat cells. When Kybella is injected, it works by destroying the fat cells in that area.

Each treatment typically lasts less than half an hour, and most people see lasting visible results with just a few treatments. One of the ways we will assist you is through a consultation in which we determine the appropriate number of sessions needed for you to achieve your personal goals.

What are the benefits of Kybella?

  • Effective: Over 80% of all patients that receive Kybella report significant improved satisfaction with their appearance.

  • Minimally invasive: No anesthesia is required for Kybella treatment.

  • Fast: Kybella appointments are so short they can be easily scheduled during even your busiest day!

  • Long-lasting results: Treatment will destroy the fat cells that cause the dreaded double chin. The fat cells don’t return. They are gone forever.

  • Minimal downtime: The majority of patients who utilize Kybella for under neck fat removal report being able to return to normal activities within a very short time span.

Who is a good candidate for Kybella?

As long as you’re over the age of 18 and are in good health, you can have Kybella. Ideal candidates for double chin treatments:
  • Have a moderate amount of neck or chin fat
  • Want to avoid surgery
  • Get no results from diet or exercise

How many Kybella treatments do I need?

Depending on the constitution of your submental fat and your body’s unique response to the treatment, you’ll probably need to come in for multiple treatments. On average, most people need between three and six sessions to get the best results.

What can I expect after a Kybella treatment?

After each Kybella injection, it’s likely that you’ll experience some bruising, redness, and swelling but there’s no need to worry. These are normal reactions to the medicinal solution and injections. You may have mild swelling for up to a month, but when it subsides, you’re left with a beautiful chin without any submental fullness.
Your provider recommends that your limit activities for the first day after the procedure. After that, you’re free to resume normal activities.
To learn more about how the skilled team uses Kybella to treat a double chin, call the office to schedule an appointment.
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